Medical Records Technician
Job Summary
Responsible for maintaining the files included in a patient's health information portfolio, including medical history, symptoms, examination results, diagnostic tests, treatment methods, and other services.
Primary Responsibilities
- Organize and manage patients' health information data.
- Ensure paperwork is properly filled out.
- Verify accuracy and accessibility of files.
- Ensure all files are secure.
- Communicate with physicians and other healthcare professionals to clarify diagnoses or to obtain additional information.
- Maintain electronic health records (EHR) databases.
- Analyze electronic data.
- Maintain data on patient safety, patterns of disease, and disease treatment and outcome.
- Improve upon EHR software usability.
- Develop and maintain health information networks.
- Codify patients' medical information for reimbursement purposes.
- Assign a code to each diagnosis and procedure by using classification systems software.
- Specialize in cancer registry.
- Maintain facility, regional, and national databases of cancer patients.
- Review patient records and pathology reports and assign codes for the diagnosis and treatment of different cancers and selected benign tumors.
- Conduct annual follow-ups to track treatment, survival, and recovery.
- Calculate survivor rates.
- Identify potential participants for clinical drug trials.
- Locate geographic areas with high incidences of certain cancers.