Job Summary
Responsible for creating epidemiological investigative work by assisting in the design and analysis of epidemiological investigations for disease surveillance or other special studies.
Primary Responsibilities
- Identify causative agents or conditions that result in poor or adverse health effects.
- Provide data and information concerning corrective actions.
- Create programs to alleviate adverse health effects.
- Propose practices or policies based on findings that will preserve or promote public health.
- Supervise disease outbreak investigations and attempt to discover the root cause.
- Collect data and interview cases and controls.
- Begin epidemiological investigations of communicable disease outbreaks, chronic illness conditions, disease risk factors, or other adverse health outcomes.
- Manage disease surveillance systems for the public.
- Perform epidemiological and statistical analyses on data and prepares results for review.
- Analyze environmental chemical exposure and its health affects.
- Analyze and interpret data for people responsible for programs or policy development.
- Propose corrective action or interventions to prevent or alleviate public health problems based on epidemiological findings.
- Conduct disease surveillance operations.
- Create routine statistical summary reports and present findings.
- Create and deliver case control, cohort, or cross sectional studies to identify the incidence, prevalence, or causes of human morbidity or mortality.
- Interpret results of investigations and compare to health outcome data.
- Maintain records and databases.