Coatroom Attendant
Job Summary
Responsible for taking patrons' coats, hanging them in a back room, and giving the patron a ticket for a later pickup.
Primary Responsibilities
- Take patrons' coats at events such as performances, plays, concerts, charity events, dances, balls, movies, or other various events.
- Hang coat neatly with appropriate hanger.
- Place coat in special slot in coatroom.
- Give patron a ticket to enable them to pick up their coat at a later time.
- Place patron's belongings in locker, secure, and either give them the lock or a ticket to open it later.
- Answer questions or handle complaints from customers.
- Refer customers to supervisors.
- Collect lost items after events and store them.
- Inquire if patrons are missing any items.
- Compare lost items to patrons' descriptions.
- Track down missing or misplaced coats.
- Retrieve coats for patrons and help them into it.
- Order new coat hangers when needed.
- Train new employees.
- Ensure each patron receives the proper coat.
- If coat gets dirty, take coat to cleaners and restore it to owner.
- Protect articles by keeping the proper room temperature.
- Cover coat with protective covering to ensure dust or stains do not get on coats.
- Take payments as needed and provide change.